"Cast Off!"
This was a great day! March 10th, the day my cast came off! Not that it slowed me down any, but I was able to swim & bathe again! (Plus she weighed a ton with that thing on!) Here is a picture of me dancing with my pink cast on. It was fun when people signed it. I liked to tell them where they should sign! (Let's hope she's not so bossy in the future...HA!) My Mom says she is thankful that we were able to fly to Ohio the first week I had my cast on b/c it made the time go by faster. It was only on for 3 weeks, 1 week to heal and 2 weeks to strengthen and protect my tibia. Any of you adults would have been in a full leg cast for 6 (yes, six) weeks! I have to go back in 3 months for a x-ray follow up. Those x-rays are old hat now! OH! There is a picture of my dog Jasmine too. We are buddies. I invite her to sleep on my big girl bed but Mommy says there isn't enough room and usually Jasmine is already asleep! She has come up a few times but never seems to stay long. I wonder if she doesn't like my Cinderella sheets?
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