Jasmine's Home!
Sittin' pretty in the back of the van & sporting her new pink princess sash...complete with purple hearts for bravery! I hadn't even seen Jasmine yet and I started crying when they told me she had a pink bandage...just as Eleanor had guessed!
Walking from the van to the front steps of the house. She did SO good!
Walking from the van to the front steps of the house. She did SO good!
Oops! Gotta turn back around for a potty break first! You can see the serus (sp?) fluid swelling by her tummy from the surgery. I have to do "warm rice in a sock" compress 3x/day until it goes away. She also has six medications to take, thankfully they are all on the same 12 hour schedule! She is running a fever to boot, so hopefully the meds will work their wonder. Like last time, the shaved area on her right front leg is where the IV was placed.
Eleanor did well seeing her for the first time, commenting "She does have 3 legs!" and later telling Daddy "she'll be fine!"
Jasmine came out of resting when Daddy came home for some paw massaging! She's been sitting like this for a few weeks prior to the surgery...I think she resembles a meerkat when she does it.
She has gone out once since coming home this afternoon and manuerved the rainy steps very well. She's a trooper! (I had carried her in earlier) The vet has submitted her limb for examination and will let us know as soon as they hear anything.
Oh I am so glad things are going well. I hope the meds take that fever away! What a fun pink bandage!
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