Happy Mother's Day!
We braved the damp weather for no lines at Busch Gardens and had a good time. Eleanor loved being able to ride twice, once with each parent. Oscar got on the carosel horse and started bouncing, ready to ride! He knew what to do this time. Eleanor HAD to have pink cotton candy. I had used it as a bribe all throughout the week..it worked! Oscar has been teething with his bottom molars so his "fingers in the mouth" is not just because he wanted sister to share!
Hmm, what is big sister doing? If I climb up here to get a better look...
Hmm, what is big sister doing? If I climb up here to get a better look...
Oh, there she is!
Riding the teacups with Mommy! She loves to go fast and spin around & around.
We actually got "stuck" in the German FestHaus due to lightening and heavy rain. Thankfully we were able to take in a show and dinner to pass the time. The kiddos had a great time watching & dancing with the performers during the chicken dance and polka. Eleanor was such a good big sister, bringing Oscar up and staying with him. Oscar loved the live band music and didn't stop moving the whole time.
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