Monday, December 29, 2008

Prayer Request

My Grandpa Fred fell backwards into a snowbank on Christmas Eve & has a fractured C5 vertebrae. He was returning home late from a relatives house down near Green Bay, WI and got home at midnight. Uncle Duane was able to lift him up out of the snowbank, even though he himself had a successful prostate cancer surgery the week prior and isn't supposed to lift more than 10 lbs. In the process he tore open his incision near his belly button. The next morning Grandpa was still in pain so Duane called an ambulance, and Fred eventually went back south to Green Bay (a 2 hr drive)to the ICU. He is still there today, since Christmas, and has not eaten or drank as they have not been successful with putting in a feeding tube b/c of the swelling in his neck. He is wearing a neck collar and reclined at a 30 degree angle. He cannot take his Parkinson's meds and his hands were shaking so bad they have restrained them. He is becoming frustrated & my Mom wonders if being restrained reminds him of being in WWII...

My folks left Ketchikan last night on the ferry and will drive directly to Green Bay to be with Duane & Gramps. My Dad had just returned from MI on Christmas Day, so I am thankful that Mom is going with him for company, it's a long cold drive!!!

Please keep them all in your prayers. Grandpa has been living at home but this could change things.


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