Sunday, May 10, 2009


We went to the zoo twice this week! It is by no means a large zoo, but inclement weather (thunder & lightning) and the need for naps took us home. It was nice to break up the Barnyard & Reptiles from the African exhibits too!

Oscar still enjoys feeding the goats
Mr Peacock strutting his stuff

Climbing on the spiderweb
And they're off!
Eleanor found a baby turtle on the pathway, it was really cute & we found a zookeeper to turn it in to. She declined having her photo taken with it, I think she was sad to have to turn it in. We also got to see an armadillo eat it's lunch!

We can't seem to keep him out of this water feature...
Peeking at the lions.
Though they are not yet on display, our zoo's momma lion had FOUR babies last Saturday! We can't wait to see them fur real vs on the cub cam.

"The lizard has a ladder!?!"
Roses are in full bloom

A little sisterly love/trying to help Mommy get him to look for the photo! No such luck...boys, I tell ya!


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