Sunday, May 16, 2010

Girls Day Out

Eleanor receiving her first manicure & pedicure.
She was too cute picking out her polish color (purple for her toes and pink for her fingers!) and even got to sit on my lap with her feet in the foot bath during my pedicure. When she had her hands under the ultraviolet dryer she said it "was so hot, like 5,000 degrees!" She made up the number as it was on the top of the handdryer...I love that she is reading now and hearing her interpretations.
She wanted a cheeseburger afterwards, not my first choice but it was her morning. There was a Johnny Rockets across the street, she also had a vanilla milkshake and played "Brown Eyed Girl." Then we read and checked out a few books from the library. What a memorable morning.
And what were the boys doing? Boy stuff: changing the oil in the truck!


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