Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blueberry Festival 2010

Eleanor entered a spotted yellow banana slug, aptly named "Banana" into the Slug Race.
Ladies & Gentlemen, place your slugs in the center circle.
I loved seeing the experienced slug handlers wearing gloves and having cushy transport accommodations (ie: plastic containers with grass and lettuce).
Keep in mind this is only one of three tables with simultaneous slug races going on!
Banana making a run for it!
He won the heat at this table and went on to the winner's circle to race for 1, 2 or 3rd.
Such a pretty spotted slug!
Someone said it looked like a pinto.
Banana is on the upper right and all shortened up...they kept squirting water on the table to keep it moist and he didn't like it at all, he just froze up.
Banana took 2nd place!
The children won a Blueberry Festival t-shirt and 2 tickets to Gigglefeet, a fun local dance production that Eleanor and I went to with her cousin Madisen and Aunt Meredith.
An unidentified girl posing with three indigenous slug species that she brought to the race: banana (white), chocolate (brown) and an unusual orange slug!


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