Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Grandpa Fred will be having a trach and PEG (feeding) tube placed Wednesday morning at 9:30am.
He has been very responsive the last two days, grasping hands and acknowledging/tracking with his eyes. He can't talk b/c of the ventilator tube but they have reduced the controls so he is breathing somewhat on his own now.

Also, my Mom has her follow-up CAT scan in Seattle on Monday and the reading with her oncologist on Tuesday. She will drive west with Mark and family, leaving later this week.
I too think I'll head home at the end of the week. Oscar has started using the training potty and done both deeds so I've been joking with Kristian that I won't come home until his training is complete!

Please continue to keep Grandpa Fred and my Mom in your prayers.


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